Stock Order Statuses
Stock orders can have the following statuses:
Open: The stock order has been opened, but has not yet been sent to the supplier
Sent: The stock order has been sent to the supplier, delivery is yet to be received
Completed: Stock has been received and stock orders in Panacea updated
Cancelled: The stock order was cancelled, no stock was received.
Preparing Products for Auto Ordering
Note that for auto ordering to work for a given product the following must be true (these settings are accessed by editing the product in question):
The supplier must be set
Stock management must be enabled
The re-order level must be greater than zero
The re-order quantity must be greater than zero
Viewing Stock Orders
View all stock orders by clicking Products --> Stock Orders
Creating or Editing Stock Orders
Create a new stock order by clicking the green '+' sign at the top right of the Stock Orders screen and select the supplier who you will place the order against.
Edit existing stock orders by clicking the pencil icon to the right of the required stock order.
The 'Products' list contains all products that are included on the stock order. See below for instructions on modifying this list.
You can also enter the following information for the stock order:
Due Date: Date of expected delivery
Status: Options are Open, Sent, Completed or Cancelled
Reference: Free text field - enter any relevant information about the stock order
Delivery Address: Auto-populated with the address of the active clinic, although this can be modified if you wish for the stock order to be delivered to an alternative address.
Adding and Modifying the Products List
Products can be added to the stock order either manually and/or using the 'Auto Populate' option. Auto populate will not overwrite selections already on the order, so you can use it anytime. whether or not you've already added products to the order.
Only products from the selected supplier can be added to the stock order - other products will not appear in the search list, nor will they be included in the auto-population of the order.
Adding Products Manually
Simply start typing the product name or SKU (or scan the SKU) into the search box below 'Products' and select your product from the list.
If the product is not configured for auto-ordering, or if stock on hand is greater than the re-order level then the quantity ordered will be set to zero. Otherwise it will automatically be set to the re-order quantity for that product.
You can edit the unit price and quantity ordered for each product simply by clicking on the relevant value and entering a new amount. Note you can only order products using the quantities (i.e. units, inners or outers) as configured for that product.
You can remove products from the order by clicking the red trash can to the right of that product.
Auto-populating the Order
Click 'Auto Populate' in the top right hand corner.
Panacea will prompt you to confirm before auto-populating the order based on individual product settings and stock levels.
Panacea performs the following steps to auto-populate the order:
All products from the selected supplier are evaluated to see if they are configured for auto-ordering (see above) and, if so, whether stock on hand is lower than the re-order level.
Panacea then checks that the product is not already on order (i.e. on a different order) and/or that it is not already included in the current order.
If the product is already included in the current order then it will be ignored by the auto-populate function, irrespective of the quantity on the order.Where appropriate, Panacea auto-populates the order with products that are below the re-order level threshold. The number of units added to the order is equivalent to the re-order quantity for each product.
Sending the Stock Order
You can email the order directly to the supplier by clicking the paper plane icon, or you can print it to PDF and email it to them manually.
Receiving Stock
Stock can only be received for orders that have a status of 'Sent'.
When receiving stock, edit the order and modify the 'Received Price' and 'Received Quantity' fields as appropriate. This allows you to enter the price and quantity of items actually received and to compare these against what was ordered, as illustrated below.
Once all received stock has been entered, set the status of the order to 'Completed' and save the stock order. You will be asked to confirm this change.
Panacea will update stock levels (adding new stock to your inventory) immediately when you click 'Yes'.
As illustrated above, Panacea will also provide the option to automatically create a new stock order for any undelivered products on the order. This is useful when you have received a partial shipment and/or some products are on back-order - Panacea will automatically create a stock order containing the undelivered products and will set the status of the new stock order to 'Sent'.