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Payments and Completing a Sale
Ian avatar
Written by Ian
Updated over a week ago

Payments and Completing a Sale


To start processing a payment, you must first make sure you are in edit mode. To enter edit mode, click the pencil icon next to the sale

After clicking the edit icon, a blue Pay icon will appear. Click this and the payment window will appear as below.

Part payments

Panacea allows you to accept full or part payments using various payment types. Each of the payment types that you have configured for your enterprise will be listed, plus the 'On Account' payment method (provided the client’s On account setting has been enabled), as illustrated below.

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The total amount of the sale is automatically listed. If the client tenders a different amount then simply enter the amount tendered and press the button corresponding to the chosen payment method.

If the amount tendered is less than the total amount of the sale, the remaining amount owing will appear, allowing you to receive additional payment(s).

If the amount tendered is more than the total amount of the sale, you will be prompted to provide change to the client, as illustrated below. Select the appropriate payment type for providing change (this will generally be cash).

There is no function to apply a credit to the client from this screen - Please refer to Prepayments [link] for this.

It can also be useful to make a note of the transaction here for future reference.

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Completing a sale

Once a payment has been made against the open sale or the open sale has been charged to the customer's account, you won't be able to modify the contents of the sale and Panacea will recognise this as a finalised sale.

To charge open sales to a client's account, refer to our On Account Payments [Link] article. Here, we also discuss Panacea's on account functionality.

Once the balance on the sale has been paid in full, Panacea will automatically mark the sale as completed. Completed sales are unable to be edited, however, admin role types do have the ability to 'unlock' these.

If you realise you've made a mistake with a finalised sale or you would like to unlock a completed sale, please refer to the removing payments section of this article below.

Sales Toolbar

The toolbar below appears in the sale window or to the right of each sale in the Sales view. Note that this toolbar is context sensitive, meaning buttons will be displayed or hidden based on the status of the sale and the role of the user accessing it.

Open sale (associated with a consultation):

Buttons (from left to right):

  • Xero sync status icon (displayed if you have connected our integration) - Grey: Not synced, Yellow: Sync in progress, Red: Syncing error and Blue: Synced successfully.

  • Open consultation associated with this sale

  • Edit the sale

  • Void (cancel) the sale

  • Refresh the sale on screen (useful if someone has edited the sale from a different session)

  • Email the sale

  • Print the sale

  • Export the sale to PDF

An open sale is one that has not yet been fully paid.

There are two types of open sales:

Draft open sale

These open sales do not have any payments or stock movements made against them and can be edited at any time.

Finalised open sale

These open sales will have payment(s) (including any prepayments used) and stock movements made against them. Although a payment has been made, these sales will not be posted to the client's account. For these sales, we recommend processing the outstanding balance to the client's account using the On account method as illustrated in our On Account Payments article [link].

Note: A sale can not be edited once it is finalised.

Completed sale (not associated with a consultation):

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You’ll notice a few of the same options available once a sale is marked as completed.

Completed sales (sales that have no balance outstanding) will also automatically lock so that further edits and payments can’t be made. You’ll notice a red padlock appear in this instance, however this is only visible if you’ve got admin or manager privileges. Completed sales are also unable to be voided, although you can ‘unlock’ these if you need to make alterations (as below).

Note: If the sale is associated with a consultation, a blue stethoscope will also be visible. Clicking this will direct you to the consultation that the sale was generated from.

Removing payments

Opening or unlocking an invoice

To open (unlock) a completed sale, click the padlock icon. You will then be presented with a confirmation window (as below). By clicking yes, you are confirming that you'd like to reverse any payments and stock movements made against the original invoice.

Once confirmed, the sale will become a draft open sale.

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Use this option with caution, as it cannot be undone and the payments will be permanently deleted.

This option is useful if you've made an error on the invoice or payment and need to re-open it to correct it.

The invoice will remain active and a record of the payments that have been removed will be added to the invoice notes.

Voiding payments

Clicking on the Void ‘X’ icon will cancel the sale.

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Use this option with caution as it cannot be undone.

This option is useful if you've made an error on a sale and need to cancel it. We suggest using this method for errors with On Account or part payment sales.

Any payments made against the invoice will be deleted, stock movements will be reversed and sales items will be removed from sales reports.

Any outstanding money will be removed from the client's account balance.

An image of the voided invoice will remain visible on the clinic and client sales records and can not be deleted.

Refunding prepayments

Importantly, you cannot void or reverse a prepayment. However, you can refund a prepayment.

To refund a prepayment, navigate to either your clinic's Payments screen or your chosen client's payments tab, then click on the ‘+’ icon and select the Refund option.

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This opens a “New refunds” screen - Next, add the refund amount and choose the payment method. You will also have to assign a client if you choose to generate the form through the clinic's payment screen.

Alternatively, click on the Prepaid Balance hyperlink (found on the client's personal tab) and this will take you to the same ‘New Refund’ screen.

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The record of the refund will show in both the clinic's payments screen and client's payments tab.

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