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Removing and voiding payments
Ian avatar
Written by Ian
Updated over a week ago

Opening or unlocking an invoice

To open (unlock) a completed sale, click the padlock icon. You will then be presented with a confirmation window (as below). By clicking yes, you are confirming that you'd like to reverse any payments and stock movements made against the original invoice.

Once confirmed, the sale will become a draft open sale.

A white background with black text

Description automatically generated with low confidence

Use this option with caution, as it cannot be undone and the payments will be permanently deleted.

This option is useful if you've made an error on the invoice or payment and need to re-open it to correct it.

The invoice will remain active and a record of the payments that have been removed will be added to the invoice notes.

Voiding payments

Clicking on the Void β€˜X’ icon will cancel the sale.

A white background with black text

Description automatically generated with low confidence

Use this option with caution as it cannot be undone.

This option is useful if you've made an error on a sale and need to cancel it. We suggest using this method for errors with On Account or part payment sales.

Any payments made against the invoice will be deleted, stock movements will be reversed and sales items will be removed from sales reports.

Any outstanding money will be removed from the client's account balance.

An image of the voided invoice will remain visible on the clinic and client sales records and cannot be deleted.

The voided transaction will have no effect on stock or client finances.

Voiding payments that contain a prepayment

Please refer to our article on managing prepayments when integrated with Xero [].

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