Refunding prepayments
Importantly, you cannot void or reverse a prepayment. However, you can refund a prepayment.
To refund a prepayment, navigate to either your clinic's Payments screen or your chosen client's payments tab, then click on the ‘+’ icon and select the Refund option.
This opens a “New refunds” screen - Next, add the refund amount and choose the payment method.
You will also have to assign a client if you choose to generate the form through the clinic's payment screen.
Alternatively, click on the Prepaid Balance hyperlink (found on the client's personal tab) and this will take you to the same ‘New Refund’ screen.
The record of the refund will show in both the clinic's payments screen and client's payments tab.
You may also find the Panacea Managing Prepayments when integrated with Xero document useful