All appointments booked online appear as unconfirmed in Panacea until being confirmed and saved by a member of staff. Remember to keep an eye on your clinic dashboard for new unconfirmed appointments that may come in during the day:
Click the circular refresh icon to refresh the dashboard regularly.
An email notification will also be sent to your clinic's nominated default email address whenever an online booking is made.
To make online bookings as easy as possible for your clients, Panacea does not require patients to log in to create or manage online bookings. It is for this reason that clients and patients are not associated with online bookings until they have been confirmed.
To instantly delete an online booking, simply click the red trash can next to it in the dashboard and click 'Yes' when prompted to confirm.
To review an online booking click on the blue 'reason' text or click the green tick next to it. An appointment screen will appear as below:
Panacea attempts to match the email address or mobile phone number from the online booking with an existing client - if it can do so it will offer to assign the booking to an existing client, as illustrated above. You also have the option of creating a new client with the information provided or simply searching for a client as normal by typing in the 'Client' field.
Once you have selected a client you can then select a patient associated with that client and tidy up any other aspects of the appointment as required. In the below example we have changed the staff member and the reason for the appointment.
Now simply change the appointment status to 'Scheduled' and save it - it is now a regular saved appointment in your schedule. Your client will receive a reminder for this appointment as normal.